juice watery; NOT [juice milky] |
leaves with spiny margins |
bracts of involucre not dry or
parchmenty, usually green; NOT [bracts of involucre dry, parchmenty or
membranous, not green] |
some involucral bracts spiny-tipped |
involucral bracts without hooked bristles |
receptacle densely bristly; NOT
[receptacle naked] |
flower heads with all florets tubular |
stamens united to form a tube around the
pistil |
pappus present, distinct; NOT [pappus
none or inconspicuous] |
pappus of capillary bristles; NOT [pappus
of scales, or of awns, or a crown or none] |
pappus bristles much longer than achene;
NOT [pappus hairs not longer than achene] |
pappus bristles plumose; NOT [pappus
bristles naked or merely minutely barbellate] |