Hedysarum alpinum

American Hedysarum

Slightly Later Fruit

One Mile West of Kennedy on Highway # 48

Note the fruit is a single-carpelate pod constricted between the seeds.  This type of fruit is called a loment.  Note also the unequal calyx teeth.


Alpinum: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora (BF)  and Flora of Alberta (FOA) leading to this genus. 
bulletleaflets conspicuously veined; NOT [leaflets with obscure veins]
bulletcalyx teeth shorter than the calyx tube; NOT [calyx teeth about as long as the calyx tube]
bulletcalyx teeth very unequal; NOT [calyx teeth almost equal]
bulletupper calyx teeth nearly triangular; NOT [calyx teeth linear or linear-subulate]
bulletflowers violet, pale pink, or reddish purple; NOT [flowers sulphur yellow]
bulletsegments of loment 3.5-5 mm broad; NOT [segments of loment 6-8 mm broad]
bulletsegments of loment narrowly wing-margined; NOT [segments of loment conspicuously wing-margined]



Hedysarum: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora (BF)  and Flora of Alberta (FOA) leading to this genus. 
bulletherbs; NOT [shrubs]
bulletplants NOT climbing
bulletleaves pinnately divided; NOT [leaves palmately divided]
bulletthe terminal leaflet normal; NOT [the terminal leaflet replaced by a tendril]
bulletinflorescence a raceme; NOT [inflorescence a loose, few-flowered, umbel-like head]
bulletkeel truncate; NOT [keel acute]
bulletpods segmented or jointed, breaking up at maturity; NOT [pods not segmented or jointed]



Leguminosae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.
bulletherbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
bulletplants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic, leaves submerged or floating]
bulletplants NOT with colored milky juice
bulletplants with more than one normal leaf
bulletsome or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite, whorled, or basal]
bulletleaves with stipules; NOT [leaves without stipules, or having glands]
bulletflowers with two floral rings, and with each petal distinct from the others]
bulletcalyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals smaller than others]
bulletflowers irregular in shape; NOT [flowers regular in shape]
bulletcorolla pea-like; NOT [corolla with one petal spurred or sac-like]
bulletstamens usually separate or partly so, not in column; NOT [stamens united into a column]
bulletfruit a legume; NOT [fruit a 3-valved capsule]