Sagittaria cuneata
Arum-Leaved Arrowhead

Whole Plant

4.3 Miles North on Veillardville Road, West of Hudson Bay

Note the linear submersed leaves.  The male flowers are usually distal to the female flowers.  Note the female flowers are pedicellate.

The following items are taken from keys in Rushes, Bulrushes & Pondweeds plus the remaining Monocots of Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms, Anna L. Leighton and Mary A. Vetter.  

Sagittaria: Answers to key questions leading to this genus. 
Emergent leaves mostly sagittate or hastate; inflorescences usually racemes with whorls of flowers, rarely panicles; pistils and achenes spirally arranged on convex receptacles, very numerous; flowers imperfect; stamens 7-30; NOT [Emergent leaves linear-lanceolate or elliptic to ovate; inflorescences panicles with whorls of branches; pistils and achenes arranged in a single ring around margin of flat receptacles, usually fewer than 20; flowers perfect; stamens few, 6-9]

Cuneata: Answers to key questions leading to this species (in genus Sagittaria). 
Pistillate flowers distinctly pedicellate; fruiting pedicels 5-35 mm long; achene beaks if curved, then <0.8 mm long; filaments glabrous; NOT [Pistillate flowers sessile to subsessile; fruiting pedicels absent; achene beaks recurved, 0.8-1.4 mm long; filaments pubescent to tomentulose]
Achene beaks either horizontal and 1-2 mm long, or erect and immeasurably short (<= 0.4 mm long); fruiting heads <= 17 mm wide (in our specimens < 15 mm wide); inflorescence bracts delicate to membranous; leaves emergent, floating or submersed; NOT [Achene beaks ascending apically, 0.4-1.7 mm long; fruiting heads (12) 15-25 mm wide; inflorescence bracts firm; leaves emergent]
Achene beaks erect,  0.1-0.4 mm long; inflorescence bracts usually long and narrow (up to 40 mm long and lance-attenuate or acute); leaves emergent, floating or submersed with submersed leaves often linear with phyllodial petioles; NOT [Achene beaks horizontal,1-2 mm long; inflorescence bracts usually short and wide (3-8 (ours to 10) mm long and elliptic to lanceolate); leaves usually emergent]