Toxicodendron rydbergii
Poison Ivy

Male Plant
Flower Side

Hudson Bay Regional Park

Rydbergii: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 

low plant with a single stem, woody at base; NOT [much branched shrub, 1-2 m high]

leafing before flowering; NOT [leafing after flowering]

leaflets 3-10 cm long; NOT [leaflets usually less than 3 cm long]

fruit white; NOT [fruit red]

fruit smooth; NOT [fruit hairy]


Anacardiaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 

shrubs or trees; NOT [herbs]

plants NOT climbing

plants with normal leaves

leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite]

leaves compound; NOT [leaves simple]

leaflets NOT leathery

leaflets NOT spinose-tipped

flowers dioecious or perfect; NOT [flowers perfect]

flowers with two floral rings

each petal distinct from the others

petals 5; NOT [petal (standard) solitary]

stamens 5; NOT [stamens numerous]

fruit NOT a legume