Cerastium arvense
Field Chickweed

Leaf Top

Nature Conservancy of Canada, Big Valley Property, North of Craven

Arvense: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 
native species; NOT [introduced species]
widespread species; NOT [just alpine species]
perennials; NOT [annuals or winter annuals]
main stems erect or ascending; NOT [main stems spreading or prostrate]
plants with persistent, matted, decumbent, basal offshoots
axillary shoots numerous, at the axils of most leaves; NOT [axillary shoots few or lacking]
plants glandular pubescent throughout; NOT [plants densely white tomentose without glands]
stems and leaves mostly firm; NOT [stems weak and leaves thin]
leaves mostly linear or linear-lanceolate; NOT [leaves mostly oblong or  oblanceolate]
petals fully twice as long as the sepals; NOT [petals less than twice as long as sepals]
mature capsule 1-2 times the length of the sepals; NOT [mature capsule 2-3 times the length of the sepals]


Cerastium: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus. 
plants not with woody base
plants without stipules; NOT [plants with small, ovate,  papery stipules at junctions of stem and leaf and stem and branch]
sepals entirely separate; NOT [sepals united part way forming a tube]
petals usually present
petals without claws; NOT [petals with claw-like base]
petals deeply notched or 2-cleft; NOT [petals entire or emarginate]
styles usually 5; NOT [styles 3]
ovary not stipitate
fruit a several-many-seeded capsule;  NOT [fruit a 1-seeded utricle]
capsule long; NOT [capsule short]
capsule cylindric, often curved;  NOT [capsule ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong]
capsule dehiscing by 10 apical teeth; NOT [capsule dehiscing by valves or less than 10 teeth]


Caryophyllaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 
plants terrestrial; NOT [plants aquatic]
NOT [mud plants with small axillary flowers]
plants not with coloured milky juice
plants with more than one normal leaf
leaves opposite, whorled, or basal; NOT [leaves alternate]
leaves not glandular-dotted
NOT [plants with an involucre of 4 petal-like bracts]
flowers with two floral rings
more than 2 sepals
each petal distinct from the others
stamens NOT united at base
styles 2 or more; NOT [style single]