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tall plants; NOT [low plants] |
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plants perennial with fibrous roots,
often with rhizomes or stolons, but lacking a taproot; NOT [plants
perennial with taproot, or low spreading annuals] |
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plants rhizomatous but lacking stolons;
NOT [plants often stoloniferous] |
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juice watery; NOT [juice milky] |
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plants more or less white-woolly; NOT
[plants not at all white-woolly] |
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basal leaves soon deciduous, not markedly
larger than the numerous well-developed cauline leaves; NOT [basal
leaves generally forming a persistent tuft or rosette, stem seldom very
leafy] |
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basal leaves, if any, not cordate or
sagittate; NOT [basal leaves cordate or sagittate] |
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stems leafy; NOT [leaves mostly basal,
with stem leaves reduced] |
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receptacle naked; NOT [receptacle densely
bristly] |
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flower heads with all florets tubular |
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dioecious or nearly so, the heads of at
least some plants wholly staminate or pistillate; NOT [heads all with
outer pistillate flowers and central perfect flowers], NOT [flowers all
perfect] (FOA) |
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pistillate heads commonly with a few
central staminate flowers; NOT [heads strictly dioecious] (FOA) |
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bracts of involucre dry, parchmenty or
membranous, not green; NOT [bracts of involucre not dry or parchmenty,
usually green] (BF) |
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involucral bracts mostly with dry,
scarious, thin, white to yellowish or brownish tips; NOT [involucral
bracts not markedly scarious at the tip] (FOA) |
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stamens united to form a tube around the
pistil |
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pappus of capillary bristles, sometimes
plumose; NOT [pappus of scales, or of awns, or a crown or none] |