![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
herbs; NOT [low grayish shrubs, with
linear leaves] |
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juice watery; NOT [juice milky] |
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NOT [plants annual, woolly or glandular;
leaves opposite, at least below, linear-lanceolate, 1-6 mm wide, entire] |
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leaves alternate; NOT [most of the leaves
opposite] |
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basal leaves either absent, or of
distinctly different shape or not woolly below; NOT [basal leaves
triangular-ovate to subreniform, white-woolly below] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
leaves lobed or divided; NOT [leaves
linear-elliptic], NOT [leaves large, deltoid-ovate] |
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leaves without spiny-tipped teeth |
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flowers appearing after the leaves; NOT
[flowers appearing before the large felty-pubescent leaves] |
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inflorescence paniculate, spicate or
racemose; NOT [inflorescence corymbose] |
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inflorescence not glandular; NOT
[inflorescence glandular sticky] |
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heads numerous |
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heads not over 5 mm across |
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involucral bracts usually more numerous;
NOT [involucral bracts 4-5] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
bracts of involucre not dry or
parchmenty, usually green; NOT [bracts of involucre dry, parchmenty or
membranous, not green] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
involucral bracts not petaloid; NOT
[involucral bracts with yellowish, more or less petaloid, scarious tips] |
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involucral bracts not spiny-tipped |
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involucral bracts without hooked bristles |
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receptacle naked or merely hairy; NOT
[receptacle chaffy] |
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flower heads with all florets tubular |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
florets yellow or greenish yellow; NOT
[florets purplish white, purple, or rose] |
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stamens united to form a tube
around the pistil |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
pappus none or inconspicuous; NOT [pappus
present, distinct] |