Hieracium umbellatum
Canada Hawkweed
Mid-Upper Leaf Top
Hudson Bay Regional Park
01-Aug-2005Note that the key to the genus in Flora of Alberta requires "involucre of 2 or more series; NOT uniseriate; NOT biseriate", which is logically inconsistent. In fact, the involucre of this species consists of more than 2 series of bracts.
Note that the key to the genus in Flora of Alberta requires "lower stem and leaves generally long-hairy; NOT [generally glabrous, sometimes puberulent, tomentose or hispid]". This is confusing at best; and not always correct with regard to this species.
Umbellatum: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species.
Hieracium: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus. Not all the answers are true for all members of Hieracium found in the prairies, but they all are true for umbellatum.