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plants mostly 1-4 dm tall (FOA) |
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plants generally TALLER than 0.5-2.0
dm (FOA) |
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stems mostly pubescent or puberulent; NOT
[stems mostly glabrous below the inflorescence] |
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stems minutely gray pubescent |
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leaves pubescent or puberulent; NOT
[leaves glabrous] |
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leaves minutely gray pubescent |
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basal leaves often forming a rosette |
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basal leaves much longer than stem
leaves; NOT [basal leaves not much longer than stem leaves, seldom
forming a rosette] |
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petiole of the basal leaves (if present)
NOT conspicuously ciliate |
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lower stem leaves well developed |
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lower stem leaves oblanceolate |
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stem leaves sparse, often distant,
reduced upwards |
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stem leaves linear to linear-lanceolate |
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inflorescence a panicle or spike; NOT
[inflorescence corymbose, with the branches slanting upward, forming a
rounded or flat-topped inflorescence] (BF) |
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inflorescence a panicle with more or less
spreading or arching branches; NOT [inflorescence racemose with branches
ascending along the stem, inflorescence more or less cylindrical or
narrowly oval] (BF) |
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heads usually racemose, the inflorescence
cylindrical to narrowly oval, or paniculate, with spreading or arching
branches; NOT [heads corymbose, the inflorescence rounded or
flat-topped] (FOA) |
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heads often secund on the branches |