![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
plants pubescent; NOT [plants glabrous] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
plants not with very large basal leaves;
NOT [basal leaves 40 cm long or longer] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
siliques a
few times longer than wide; NOT [siliques many times longer than wide
(Boechera)] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
siliques flattened parallel to the
septum, at least twice as wide as thick; NOT [siliques flattened at
right angles to the septum], NOT [siliques round, oval, or 4-angled in
cross-section], NOT [pods subglobose] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
silique not samara-like; NOT [silique
oblong, wing-like, resembling a samara] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
silique beakless, often with a short
style at the tip <=1 mm long; NOT [silique with a large, usually
seedless (sometimes 1-seeded), beak-like, upper portion and a
seed-bearing lower portion] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
silique rounded to pointed on top or
obscurely indented; NOT [silique definitely indented or concave on the
top] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
silique opening lengthwise; NOT [silique
globular, remaining on seed], NOT [silique elongate, breaking in two at
the narrowed middle] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
silique with >2 seeds per locule; NOT
[silique with 1 to 2 seeds per locule]; NOT [silique 1-seeded] |
![](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
seeds in 2 rows in each locule (sometimes
rows are imperfect); NOT [seeds in 1 row per locule] |