Sinapis arvensis
Wild Mustard

Flower Side, Sepals Removed


Note the claw-shaped petals.  The flower has two short stamens and four long stamens.

Mustard condiment is produced from cultivars of Sinapis alba, Brassica nigra, or Brassica juncea. Canola oil is produced from cultivars of Brassica napus, Brassica rapa or Brassica juncea.

Arvensis: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Vascular Flora of Alberta: An Illustrated Guide leading to this species. 

middle and upper leaves (at least) merely toothed; NOT [most leaves deeply pinnately lobed]

pods approximately 2 mm thick; NOT [pods approximately 4 mm thick]

pods usually glabrous; NOT [pods densely pubescent]

beak of pod approximately half as long as the body; NOT [beak usually longer than the body]


Sinapis: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Vascular Flora of Alberta: An Illustrated Guide leading to this genus. 

plants of dry habitats; NOT [plants of wet habitats]

hairs, when present, simple; NOT [hairs attached at the middle, sessile, appressed, malpighian or stellate]

plants without stalked glands; NOT [plants with many-celled, stalked glands]

prominent cauline leaves present; NOT [leaves mostly basal or lower cauline]

cauline leaves usually short petiolate (at least distally); NOT [cauline leaves more or less clasping, auriculate or sagittate at base]

cauline leaves simple (sometimes deeply cut, but the blade continuous between lobes); NOT [stem leaves divided into leaflets]

raceme mostly without bracts; NOT [raceme with small leafy bracts at the base of most flowers]

flowers smaller than 30-40 mm across

sepals spreading to reflexed; NOT [sepals usually erect or ascending, rarely spreading]

petals present; NOT [petals absent]

petals yellow

petals with veins of the same color intensity as the rest of the blade; NOT [petals with dark, purple or brown veins]

pods usually at least 4 times as long as wide; NOT [pods usually not more than 3 times as long as wide]

pods not compressed at right angles to the central partition; NOT [pods compressed at right angles to the central partition]

pods circular in cross section; NOT [pods flattened]

pods with 3-7 prominent veins per side; NOT [pods with 1 prominent vein per side]

pods with a long, distinct beak; NOT [pods scarcely beaked ]

beak conspicuously flattened; NOT [beak more or less rounded]

beak often containing a seed; NOT [beak seedless]

pods opening lengthwise via separation of two valves, not breaking up cross ways along constrictions between seeds

seeds in a single row; NOT [seeds more or less in 2 rows]

seeds plump; NOT [seeds flat]


Cruciferae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic, leaves submerged or floating]

plants not with colored milky juice

plants with more than one normal leaf

some or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite, whorled, or basal]

leaves without stipules, or having glands; NOT [leaves with stipules]

flowers with two floral rings

calyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals smaller than others]

sepals 4

corolla regular in shape; NOT [corolla irregular in shape]

each petal distinct from the others

petals 4

stamens 6, four long and two short

ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior]

carpels 1 or 2