Echinocystis lobata Wild Cucumber
Fruit Four km North of Craven on Highway # 20, Then One km West Along Dyke to West Side of Valley 06-August-2012
Four km North of Craven on Highway # 20, Then One km West Along Dyke to West Side of Valley 06-August-2012
Cucurbitaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.
herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
plants green or with some chlorophyll; NOT [plants parasitic or saprophytic, without chlorophyll]
climbing plants with tendrils
flowers not in heads or spikes; NOT [flowers in long or short spikes], NOT [flowers in heads or in form resembling a head]
flowers with two floral rings, but with the petals wholly or partly united forming a tube or bell]
ovary inferior; NOT [ovary superior]