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Stigmas 3;
achenes three-sided, occasionally terete, though their shape may be
concealed by flattened perigynia. NOT [stigmas 2; achenes
lenticular] |
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Spikes 2
or more per culm, terminal and lateral; spike bracts present on lateral
spikes (except in Section Phyllostachyae), lowest bract usually evident,
often conspicuous. NOT [Spikes 1 per culm, terminal; spike bracts
absent]. |
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pistillate scales not bract-like or leaf-like but similar in size and
shape to individual perigynia (up to twice as long as perigynia in C.
magellanica ssp. irrigua). NOT [Lower pistillate scales resembling
green, leaf-like bracts much longer and wider than individual perigynia] |
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glabrous. NOT [Perigynia sparsely to densely pubescent or puberulent (in
C. pedunculata pubescence represented by very short hairs scattered near
tip; in some species of Sect. Acrocystis, perigynia may be glabrous or
virtually hairless, but all members of this group have convexly 3-sided
to terete achenes with tight fitting perigynia and a stipe-like base
about equal to beak in length)] |
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absent or less than 0.5 mm long; if more than 0.5 mm long, then
terminating in an orifice without teeth. NOT [Beak over 0.5 mm long and
usually visibly bidentate (teeth hyaline in C. sprengelii, inconspicuous
in C. viridula, very short in C. oligosperma).] |
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Leaves and
sheaths glabrous; plants cespitose or rhizomatous. NOT [Leaves and
sheaths pubescent; plants cespitose] |
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spike bracts sheathless or with sheaths 1-2 mm long (to 3 or 4 mm long
in Section Limosae). NOT [Lowest spike bract sheath at least (2.5)
3 mm long] |
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cespitose or rhizomatous, usually taller than 2 dm (to 8 dm); terminal
spike if staminate then wider than 2 mm or longer than 1 cm, or
pistillate spikes long-stalked; leaves 1-6 mm wide; plants of boreal
forest and grassland habitats. NOT [Plants densely tufted and low,
usually less than 2 dm tall; terminal spike staminate (occasionally with
a few pistillate flowers at base in C. glacialis), 1-2 mm wide and
seldom over 1 cm long; pistillate spikes sessile or slightly stalked;
leaves 0.4-1.5 mm wide; plants of rocky and/or sandy habitats in far
north.] |
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spikes on filiform stalks 0.5 cm long or longer, often nodding.
NOT [Lateral spikes sessile or erect on short stalks.] |
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spike gynecandrous, not distinctly different in appearance from lateral
pistillate spikes except for a V-shaped base consisting of staminate
flowers; beak 0.4-0.5 mm long, bidenticulate; roots lacking felt-like
covering of yellowish pubescence. NOT [Terminal spike almost
always staminate (occasionally gynecandrous in C. magellanica ssp.
irrigua), distinctly narrower than lateral pistillate spikes; beak
absent or less than 0.5 mm long, merely a hole or short tube or cone
with no teeth; roots with a felt-like covering of yellowish pubescence.]