Several Shoots |
Several Shoots |
Two Shoots |
Single Shoot |
Single Shoot |
2nd Highest Leaf, Adaxial Side |
2nd Highest Leaf, Abaxial Side |
Highest Leaf, Adaxial Side |
Highest Leaf, Abaxial Side
Base of 2nd Highest Leaf, Adaxial Side |
Base of 2nd Highest Leaf, Abaxial Side |
Base of Highest Leaf, Adaxial Side |
Base of Highest Leaf, Abaxial Side |
Sheath of Highest Leaf, Cross Section |
Sheath of Second Highest Leaf, Cross Section |
Sheath of Third Highest Leaf, Cross Section |
Bebbi and Cristatella Sheath Comparison |
Early Inflorescence |
Early Inflorescence |
Inflorescence |
Inflorescence |
Bract of Lowest Spike |
Proximal Scale and Perigynium |
Middle Scales and Perigynia |
Middle Scale and Perigynium |
Middle Scale and Perigynium |
Early Perigynium |
Perigynium |
Perigynium Side A |
Perigynium Side B
Perigynium Side A |
Perigynium Side B |