Narrow-Leaved Cottongrass
Whole Plant, Dead Leaves Trimmed
14 Miles North and 3.85 Miles East of Hudson Bay
Note the plant is rhizomatous and not cespitose. Note also the uppermost cauline leaves have leaf blades over 1 cm long and the inflorescence consists of multiple spikelets.
Angustifolium: Answers to key questions in Rushes, Bulrushes & Pondweeds plus the remaining Monocots of Saskatchewan by V. L. Harms, A. L. Leighton, and M. A. Vetter leading to this species. The answers are in the order you would normally work through the key.
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Eriophorum: Answers to key questions in Rushes, Bulrushes & Pondweeds plus the remaining Monocots of Saskatchewan by V. L. Harms, A. L. Leighton, and M. A. Vetter leading to this genus. The answers are in the order you would normally work through the key.
Cyperaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.