Corydalis sempervirens
Pink Corydalis

Flower Side

Hudson Bay Airport Road

The flower of this species has two outer (upper and lower) petals and two inner (lateral) petals.  The upper petal is spurred while the lower petal is not. Each lateral petal is attached to the receptacle by a long, narrow claw and the pair of lateral petals are apically connate.  The six stamens are grouped into two stamen bundles, one above the ovary and one below. Each stamen bundle contains three stamens whose filaments are united proximally for most of their length. The two stamen bundles are touching each other in this specimen.

Sempervirens: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 

plants fairly erect; NOT [plant usually somewhat prostrate]

flowers pink or purplish pink, with yellow tips; NOT [flowers yellow]

capsules ascending; NOT [capsules spreading or pendent]


Corydalis: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this genus. 

plants NOT climbing

corolla deciduous; NOT [corolla persistent]

only one of the petals saccate; NOT [the two outer petals saccate]

fruit an elongate capsule; NOT [fruit globose]

fruit with more than one seed; NOT [fruit with a single seed]

seed crested


Fumariaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic, leaves submerged or floating]

plants NOT with colored milky juice

plants with more than one normal leaf

some or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite, whorled, or basal]

leaves without stipules, or having glands; NOT [leaves with stipules]

flowers with two floral rings

calyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals smaller than others]

sepals 2; NOT [sepals 5, two large, colored, and petal-like]

each petal distinct from the others

corolla irregular in shape; NOT [corolla regular in shape]

petals 4; NOT [petals 3]

stamens 10 or fewer; NOT [stamens usually more than 10]

ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior]

carpels 1 or 2; NOT [carpels 3-5]