herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees] |
plants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT
[plants aquatic, leaves submerged or floating] |
plants NOT with colored milky juice |
plants with more than one normal leaf |
some or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves
opposite, whorled, or basal] |
leaves without stipules, or having
glands; NOT [leaves with stipules] |
 | flowers with two floral rings |
calyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some
sepals smaller than others] |
sepals 2; NOT [sepals 5, two large,
colored, and petal-like] |
each petal distinct from the others |
corolla irregular in shape; NOT [corolla
regular in shape] |
petals 4; NOT [petals 3] |
stamens 10 or fewer; NOT [stamens usually
more than 10] |
ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior] |
carpels 1 or 2; NOT [carpels 3-5] |