Gentianella amarella
Northern Gentian
Upper Stem Leaf Bottom
Lac des Iles in Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Note that the stem leaves are often revolute. The leaf pictured here has been somewhat flattened for the purpose of the photograph.
![]() | Amarella/Gentianella/Gentian: Budd's Flora (BF) places this species in broadly circumscribed genus Gentian. Flora of Alberta (FOA) has removed a number of species (including this one) from Gentian sensu lato and placed them in a new, smaller genus Gentianella. The following are answers to key questions leading to genus Gentian in Budd's Flora, leading to genus Gentianella in Flora of Alberta, and leading to species amarella in both floras.
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![]() | Gentianaceae: Note that the key to the families in Budd's Flora requires flowers in cymose clusters; NOT [flowers scorpioid or solitary in leaf axils] in order to distinguish Gentianaceae from Hydrophyllaceae. Although many authors define scorpioid as a type of cyme, Budd's Flora defines it as of an inflorescence, uncoiling as the flowers develop. It defines cyme as a cluster of flowers in which the central flowers open first. The rest of the answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to family Gentianaceae are listed below: