Geranium bicknellii
Bicknell's Geranium

Whole Plant Upright

Hudson Bay Airport Road

Bicknellii: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species.  

plant annual or biennial; NOT [plant perennial, with rootstocks or caudices]

inflorescence loose; NOT [inflorescence compact]

fruiting pedicels much longer than the calyx; NOT [fruiting pedicels shorter than to slightly longer than the calyx] 

flowers NOT over 12 mm across

sepals broadly lanceolate to oblong-ovate; NOT [sepals broadly ovate]

sepals bristle-tipped

petals scarcely longer than sepals; NOT [petals much longer than sepals]

petals 2-8 mm long; NOT [petals 1-2 cm long]

beak of mature style column 3-5 mm long; NOT [beak 1-1.5 mm long]

seeds rough; NOT smooth


Geranium: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus.

leaves palmately lobed or divided; NOT [leaves pinnately lobed or dissected]

leaves palmately veined; NOT [leaves pinnately veined]

anthers 10; NOT [anthers 5]

stylar parts merely recoiled at dehiscence and glabrous within; NOT [stylar parts spirally twisted at dehiscence and bearded within]

capsule (mericarp) round; NOT [capsule spindle-shaped]


Geraniaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic with leaves submerged or floating]

plants NOT with colored milky juice

plants with more than one normal leaf

leaves with stipules

leaves palmately divided; NOT [leaves with 3 leaflets]

flowers with two floral rings

flowers, including calyx, regular in shape

each petal distinct from the others

stamens usually separate or partly so; NOT [stamens in a column]

stamens 5 or 10; NOT [stamens usually numerous]

ovary of 5 united carpels; NOT [ovary of one or more carpels, either separate or enclosed by a fleshy receptacle]

fruit with a long beak