![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | plants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic,
leaves submerged or floating] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | plants NOT with colored milky juice |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | plants with more than one normal leaf |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | some or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite,
whorled, or basal] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | leaves with stipules; NOT [leaves without stipules, or
having glands] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | leaves palmately divided; NOT [leaves of three
leaflets] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | flowers regular in shape; NOT [flowers irregular in
shape] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | flowers with two floral rings, and with each petal
distinct from the others |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals
smaller than others] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | stamens 5 or 10; NOT [stamens usually numerous] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | stamens usually separate or partly so, not in a column;
NOT [stamens numerous, united into a column] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | ovary of 5 united carpels; NOT [ovary of one or more
carpels, either separate or enclosed by a fleshy receptacle] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | fruit with a long beak; NOT [fruit not beaked] |