![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | plants perennial; NOT annual |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | stem glabrous; NOT pubescent |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | flowers in a terminal, spike-like
inflorescence; NOT in axillary clusters, NOT forming an obvious terminal
inflorescence |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | inflorescence a more or less elongated
raceme; NOT a more or less globose head |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | inflorescence a raceme of oppositely
placed clusters of flowers; NOT a raceme of oppositely placed flowers |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | spikes symmetrical; NOT strongly
one-side |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | bracts much shorter than and differing
from the stem leaves; bracts NOT grading into the stem leaves |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx longer on upper than lower side,
somewhat oblique at throat; calyx NOT [regular, clearly 5-lobed] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx indistinctly or not at all
2-lipped, one lobe may be larger than the others; NOT [calyx distinctly
2-lipped, the upper lip 3-toothed, the lower one 2-lobed] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx NOT [distinctly 5-toothed, the
upper tooth almost as wide as the lower 4 together] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx lacking a helmet-shaped
projection on the upper side |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | calyx 15-nerved or more; NOT 5-10
nerved |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | corolla 2-lipped; NOT [more or less
regular, 4-lobed] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | corolla blue; NOT [white with purple
dots] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | stamens didynamous; NOT all of equal
length |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | upper pair of stamens longer than the
lower pair; NOT shorter than the lower pair |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | stamens 4; NOT 2 |