Physostegia ledinghamii
Ledingham's False Dragonhead

Mid-Upper Leaf Bottom

Highway # 982, Near Intersection With Highway # 9

Ledinghamii: Answers to key questions in Flora of the Great Plains leading to this species. 

calyx and rachis of inflorescence bearing stipitate glands

corolla 14-23 mm long; NOT [corolla 9-12 (16) mm long]

corolla eglandular; NOT [corolla usually stipitate glandular]

nutlets 2.8-4 mm long; NOT [nutlets 2.1-3.3 mm long]


Physostegia: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this genus. 

inflorescences terminal; NOT [inflorescences axillary]

inflorescence a more or less elongated raceme; NOT [inflorescence a more or less globose head]

inflorescence a raceme of oppositely placed flowers; NOT [inflorescence a raceme of oppositely placed clusters of flowers]

calyx indistinctly or not at all 2-lipped, one lobe may be larger than the others; NOT [calyx distinctly 2-lipped, the upper lip 3-toothed, the lower one 2-lobed]


Labiatae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants not aquatic

plants green or with some chlorophyll

stems square

leaves opposite

leaves not bearing bladders

flowers not in heads or spikes; NOT [flowers in long or short spikes], NOT [flowers in heads or in form resembling a head]

flowers with two floral rings

petals wholly or partly united forming a tube or bell

corolla irregular; NOT [corolla regular]

ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior]

fruit with 4 nutlets; NOT [fruit a many-seeded capsule]