| native species (FOA) |
| leaves broader than linear to
linear-lanceolate (BF) |
| leaves oblong to ovate; NOT deltoid or
deltoid-ovate (BF) |
| leaves obtuse to rounded at base; NOT
cordate to subcordate at base (BF) |
| leaves crenate to dentate (BF) |
| bracteal leaves reduced (FOA) |
| bracts grading into the stem leaves;
NOT much shorter than, and NOT differing from, the stem leaves (BF) |
| inflorescence terminal, not axillary
(BF) |
| flowers in an interrupted spike; NOT
crowded in axils of well-developed leaves (FOA) |
| inflorescence a more or less elongated
raceme; NOT a more or less globose head (BF) |
| inflorescence a raceme of oppositely
placed clusters of flowers; NOT a raceme of oppositely placed single
flowers (BF) |
| calyx regular; NOT oblique (BF) |
| calyx without a projection on upper
side (FOA) |
| calyx indistinctly or not at all
2-lipped, though one lobe may be larger than the others; calyx NOT
distinctly 2-lipped with upper lip 3-toothed and lower one 2-lobed (BF) |
| upper lip of calyx equal to at least
the adjacent ones; NOT much wider than the other 4 (BF) |
| calyx usually 5-toothed (FOA) |
| calyx-teeth not spinescent (FOA) |
| calyx 5-10 nerved; NOT 13 or 15-nerved;
NOT obscurely nerved (FOA) |
| flowers purplish; NOT white (BF) |
| corolla 2-lipped; NOT nearly regular
and 4-lobed (FOA) |
| upper lip of corolla distinctly
visible; NOT inconspicuous, NOT reduced to two small lobes (BF) |
| anther-bearing stamens 4 (FOA) |
| upper pair of stamens shorter than the
lower pair (FOA) |