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plants of moist habitats in the north and
the mountains; NOT [plants of dry plains and foothills] (FOA)
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plants with slender rootstalks; NOT
[plants with taproots or caudex] (BF)
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stems evident, erect or decumbent, often
branched and leafy; NOT [plants densely caespitose or pulvinate; leaves
many, crowded; flowers often included among leaves or barely exceeding
them] (FOA)
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stems prostrate or weakly ascending; NOT
[stems erect] (FOA)
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stems generally less than 5 mm thick at
base; NOT [stem generally thick, 5-10 mm at base] (FOA)
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larger stems 1.0-1.5 mm thick at base;
NOT [larger stems 1.5-3.0 mm thick at base] (FOA)
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plants low, stems 1-3 dm high; NOT
[plants up to 6 dm high] (BF)
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plants taller; NOT [plants low, 1 dm or
less] (FOA)
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plants 0.5-3.0 dm high; NOT [plants
2.5-6.5 dm high] (FOA)
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leaves with at least 7 leaflets;
NOT [leaves usually with a single leaflet, occasionally with 3 or 5
leaflets] (BF)
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leaves NOT needle-like (FOA)
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leaflets shorter than 2-4 (6) cm long
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larger leaflets about 1 cm long; NOT
[larger leaflets 1-2 cm long] (FOA)
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leaflets rounded at the ends; NOT
[leaflets mostly acute] (FOA)
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leaflets NOT spine-tipped (BF)
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NOT [leaves strigose above and below with
basifixed hairs] (FOA)
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flowers borne on more or less well
developed peduncles; NOT [flowers borne in the crown of the plant] (BF)
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flowers in loose racemes; NOT [flowers in
dense globose or elongate heads] (FOA)
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inflorescence NOT head-like, if densely
flowered an elongated raceme; NOT [inflorescence a short, dense,
head-like raceme, about as long as wide] (BF)
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inflorescence a short, loosely flowered
raceme; NOT [inflorescence a dense, head-like raceme] (BF)
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NOT [flowers 10-12 (15) mm long, in a
dense raceme] (FOA)
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flowers spreading or pendent; NOT
[flowers all erect] (BF)
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flowers about 10 mm long; NOT [flowers
about 15 mm long] (FOA)
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flowers 10-15 mm long; NOT [flowers about
20 mm long] (FOA)
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flowers 5-12 mm long; NOT [flowers 12-30
mm long] (FOA)
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calyx only about a third the length of
the flower; NOT [calyx almost half as long as the flower] (FOA)
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calyx-teeth shorter than the calyx-tube;
NOT [calyx-teeth about as long as or longer than the calyx-tube] (FOA)
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calyx-teeth deltoid to lanceolate; NOT
[calyx-teeth linear] (FOA)
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flowers purplish to whitish purple; NOT
[flowers brick red to purplish], NOT [flowers white, yellow, or
greenish] (BF)
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wing-petals entire; NOT [wing-petals
deeply bidentate at the apex] (FOA)
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keel-petals longer than 6 mm, about as
long as the wings; NOT [keel-petals less than 6 mm long, much shorter
than the wings] (FOA)
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pod stipitate, the stipe about as long as
the calyx-tube; NOT [pod short-stipitate, the stipe much shorter than
the calyx-tube] (FOA)
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pods reflexed; NOT [pods erect] (BF)
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pods NOT inflated (BF)
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NOT [pod globose, coarsely pilose with
black and white hairs] (FOA)
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pods black hairy; NOT [pods densely
pubescent] (BF)
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pods with at least some black hairs; NOT
[pods glabrous or with only white hairs] (FOA)