Utricularia macrorhiza
Greater Bladderwort

Single Leaf - Divided at Base

6.5 km North on Silica Sands Road, East of Hudson Bay

The leaves are usually, but not always, divided into two primary branches at the base.  Each primary branch is then unequally dichotomously divided multiple times resulting in a pseudo-pinnate appearance.  The dichotomous nature of the branching is revealed by the slight zigzag appearance of the main axis of each primary branch.  Note the presence of bladders, borne on the same stem sections as the leaves.

Macrorhiza: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 

plants coarse; NOT [plants delicate]

stems either submersed or floating; NOT [stems creeping on bottom in shallow water]

stem at least 0.5 mm thick; NOT [stem less than 0.5 mm thick]

leaves readily seen; NOT [leaves obscure]

leaves finely dissected; NOT [leaves thread-like, simple]

leaves terete, capillary; NOT [leaves flattened]

leaves and bladders born on the same branch; NOT [leaves and bladders born on separate branches]

bladders readily seen;  NOT [bladders minute]

bladders abundant; NOT [bladders few]

flowers 15-25 mm long; NOT [flowers 3-10 mm long]


Utricularia: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus. 

plants floating on or submersed in water; NOT [land plants]

leaves not in a basal rosette

leaves usually dissected; NOT [leaves entire]

leaves bearing small bladders

flowers several in a raceme above water; NOT [flowers solitary]

calyx with 2 sepals; NOT [calyx with 5 sepals]

flowers yellow; NOT [flowers bluish violet]


Lentibulariaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family. 

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants green or with some chlorophyll

plants aquatic

flowers NOT in heads or spikes

corolla irregular; NOT [corolla regular]

corolla spurred

ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior]