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Stellatum: Answers to key
questions leading to this species, from Lilies, Irises & Orchids of
Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton. The answers are in
the order you would normally work through the key.
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Rhizomes at most 4.5 mm wide;
inflorescence a raceme with one or more flowers attached at each node on
the rachis; flowers fewer than 70; pedicels equal to or longer than the
flowers; filaments narrow, not tepal-like; plants smaller, less than 40
(50) cm high. NOT [Rhizomes 5-8 (14) mm wide; inflorescence a dense
panicle, pyramidal in shape when the lower branches well-developed;
flowers numerous, 70 to over 200; pedicels much shorter than the
flowers; filaments wide, tepal-like; plants large, to 125 cm high.] |
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Flowers 3-merous (tepals 6, stamens 6),
attached singly to the rachis; leaf blades ovate-elliptic to lanceolate,
tapered at the base, not extending horizontally from the stem, sessile,
lacking petioles. NOT [Flowers 2-merous (tepals 4, stamens 4),
attached to the rachis in groups of 1-4; leaf blades ovate, cordate at
base, extending horizontally or nearly so from the stem, sessile or with
petioles 1-7 mm long.] |
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Plants generally over 15 cm high; leaves
(4) 5-12, finely pubescent below; rhizome 3 mm wide or wider with roots
attached along its length; anthers pale; immature fruits 6 striped
longitudinally. NOT [Plants less than 20 cm high; leaves 2-4, glabrous
below; rhizome 1-2 mm wide with roots attached only at nodes; anthers
often purple; immature fruits mottled or spotted but not striped.] |