Trillium cernuum
Nodding Wakerobin

Flower Top

Near Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan

Note that the petal at the bottom of the image was flattened for the purpose of this photograph.


Trillium: Answers to key questions leading to this genus, from Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton.

Flowers terminal, either single or grouped in an umbel, raceme or panicle.  NOT [Flowers axillary, suspended on delicate stalks from leaf axils, either singly or in few-flowered clusters (leaves small and scale-like in Asparagus).]


Flowers single (occasionally Hypoxis has a single flower but it is unique in having an inferior ovary). NOT [Flowers several-to-many in an umbel, raceme or panicle.]


Flower nodding, pale-coloured; fruit a berry. NOT [Flower erect (in ours), showy; fruit a capsule.]


Sepals and petals dissimilar, the sepals green and petals white or pink; stem unbranched, leafless with three leaf-like bracts in a whorl (involucre) attached below the flower. NOT [Sepals and petals alike (tepals), creamy-white; stem often branched; leaves alternate.]



Liliaceae: Answers to key questions leading to this family, from Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton. 

Ovary positioned above the attachment point of the other flower parts (ovary superior) or with the other parts attached partway up the ovary wall (ovary partly inferior) or, if ovary positioned below the attachment point (ovary inferior), then stamen number 6 (Hypoxis); stamens 3 or 6 (rarely 4); fruit a capsule or berry.  NOT [Ovary positioned below the attachment point of the other flower parts (ovary inferior); stamens 1-3; fruit a capsule.]