Calylophus serrulatus
Shrubby Evening-Primrose

Flower, Side B

Oro Lake Regional Park

Note the long ovary and funnelform hypanthium.

Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta refer to this species as Oenothera serrulata, and that is the name used in reference to the key questions below.


Serrulata: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 
bulletplants with leafy stems; NOT [plants lacking leafy stems, leaves forming a rosette]
bulletmuch-branched perennials with brown woody stems; NOT [plants without brown woody stems]
bullethypanthium funnelform
bulletflowers yellow
bulletstigma NOT deeply 4-cleft



Oenothera: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus. 
bullethypanthium prolonged beyond the ovary
bulletflower parts in 4’s; NOT [flower parts in 2’s]
bulletsepals commonly reflexed; NOT [sepals erect]
bulletpetals yellow, white or pink; NOT [petals purplish]
bulletanthers attached near their middle, usually versatile; NOT [anthers attached near their base, erect]
bulletovary 4-loculed; NOT [ovary2-loculed]
bulletfruit a capsule; NOT [fruit nut-like]
bulletfruit opening by valves; NOT [fruit indehiscent]
bulletfruit opening with 4 valves; NOT [capsules opening with 2 valves]
bulletfruit NOT covered with hooks; NOT [fruit covered with hooked bristles]
bulletseeds lacking a coma; NOT [seeds with a tuft of hairs (coma) at one end]
bulletfruit many-seeded; NOT [fruit 1-seeded]



Onagraceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 
bulletherbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
bulletplants terrestrial; NOT [plants aquatic; leaves submerged or floating], NOT [mud plants with small axillary flowers]
bulletplants NOT with colored milky juice
bulletplants with more than one normal leaf
bulletleaves without stipules, or having glands; NOT [leaves with stipules]
bulletplants without large petal-like bracts; NOT [plants with an involucre of 4 petal-like bracts]
bulletflowers with two floral rings, and with each petal distinct from the others]
bulletparts of flowers in twos or fours; NOT [parts of flowers mostly in fives]
bulletcalyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals smaller than others]
bulletstamens 10 or fewer; NOT [stamens usually more than 10]
bulletstyles single; NOT [styles 2 or more]
bulletovary inferior; NOT [ovary superior]