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Maculata: Answers
to key questions in Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by
Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton leading to this species. The
answers are in the order you would normally work through the key.
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Sepals and
lateral petals not purple-striped, but sometimes spotted or suffused
with purple; lip white, with or without purple spots, at most 8 (9) mm
long, inconspicuously 3-lobed, the lateral lobes short and along sides
of base of lip; NOT [Sepals and lateral petals purple-striped; lip
purplish or purple-striped, generally over 8 mm long, entire or
wavy-margined, lacking lateral lobes] |
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20-40 (50) cm high, often stout, yellowish-brown to reddish-purple with
sheathing bracts that extend to well above the middle; flowers over 1 cm
long, yellowish-brown to purplish; lip white, usually conspicuously
purplish-spotted, (4) 6-8 (9) mm long; rhizome brownish; NOT [Stems 4-30
cm high, slender, pale greenish-yellow with sheathing bracts usually not
reaching much above the middle of the stem; flowers less than 8 mm
long, pale yellowish-green; lip white, inconspicuously spotted, 2.5-4 mm
long; rhizome whitish]
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Corallorhiza: Answers
to key questions in Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by
Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton leading to this genus. The answers
are in the order you would normally work through the key.
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non-green saprophytes lacking leaf-blades; flowering stems yellowish to
purplish-red or brown (pale greenish-yellow in C. trifid), bearing
sheathing bracts; rhizomes rootless, coral-like in their branching;
capsules drooping; NOT [Plants green, with at least some green
leaf-blades, these sometimes early withering or late developing;
flowering stems green (pale pink to purplish-red in Calypso bulbosa),
bearing sheathing bracts in some species; rootstocks not coral-like;
capsules spreading to erect (occasionally drooping when old)] |