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Liparis: Answers
to key questions in Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by
Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton leading to this genus. The answers
are in the order you would normally work through the key.
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green, with at least some green leaf-blades, these sometimes early
withering or late developing; flowering stems green (pale pink to
purplish-red in Calypso bulbosa), bearing sheathing bracts in
some species; rootstocks not coral-like; capsules spreading to erect
(occasionally drooping when old); NOT [Plants non-green saprophytes
lacking leaf-blades; flowering stems yellowish to purplish-red or brown
(pale greenish-yellow in C. trifid), bearing sheathing bracts;
rhizomes rootless, coral-like in their branching; capsules drooping] |
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Flowers 3
or more in a spike-like inflorescence, small, often inconspicuous; lip
usually less than 1 cm long, but if longer, neither inflated nor broad
and flat; NOT [Flowers 1 to 2 per stalk (occasionally more in Cypripedium
reginae and C. montanum), large, showy; lip 1 cm long or
longer, either inflated or broad and flat] |
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Lip not
NOT [Lip
spurred (spur short and bag-like in Coeloglossum viride)] |
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Leaves 2,
paired either at base of stem or attached midway up stem; NOT [Leaves
solitary or several, but not paired] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) | Leaf
pair arising at stem base, blades longer (up to 18 cm long), narrower,
tapering at base, keeled and conspicuously sheathing stem below; lip not
notched or cleft at tip; stems arising from pseudobulbs; NOT [Leaf pair
attached midway up stem, leaves +/- opposite to each other; blades at
most 6 cm long, ovate-elliptic, cordate or deltate, not keeled or
sheathing; lip notched or 2-cleft at tip; stems arising from slender
roots; pseudobulbs lacking] |