Platanthera dilatata
White Bog-Orchid
Greenbush Bog, 20 km West of Hudson Bay, SK on Highway #3
The yellow pollen is aggregated into packets called pollinia. Each pollinium is contained within an anther sac and is connected by a stalk called a caudicle to a sticky plate called a viscidium. The entire structure (pollinium, caudicle and viscidium) is called a pollinarium. The entire pollinarium is transported as a single unit by a pollinating insect to another flower. There are two pollinaria, one on either side of the column, and both pollinaria are present in this specimen. Note the viscidium in this species is linear-oblong or linear-oblanceolate. The two lateral sepals and the lip have been removed from this specimen.
Dilatata: Answers to key questions in Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton leading to this species. The answers are in the order you would normally work through the key.
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Platanthera: Answers to key questions in Lilies, Irises & Orchids of Saskatchewan by Vernon L. Harms and Anna L. Leighton leading to this genus. The answers are in the order you would normally work through the key.
Orchidaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.