Plantago patagonica
Pursh's Plantain


Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park

Patagonica: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 
NOT All Of [plants perennial, leaves linear, corolla-tube pubescent externally]
annuals; NOT [perennials]
peduncles and leaves more or less silky-woolly; NOT [peduncles and leaves glabrous or hairy, but not silky-woolly]
plants with all leaves basal; NOT [plants with stem leaves opposite or whorled]
leaves linear; NOT [leaves lanceolate to ovate], NOT [leaves filiform]
leaves greater than 1 mm wide but rarely over 5 mm wide; NOT [leaves about 1 mm wide], NOT [leaves rarely less than 10 mm wide]
leaves all entire, or distantly and shallowly toothed; NOT [leaves coarsely toothed to pinnately lobed]
corolla-lobes spreading or reflexed; NOT [corolla lobes often erect]
corolla-lobes about 2 mm long; NOT [corolla lobes 0.5-1.0 mm long]
stamens 4; NOT [stamens 2]


Plantaginaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family. 

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

plants green or with some chlorophyll; NOT [plants parasitic or saprophytic, without chlorophyll]

leaves all basal

flowers on long spikes; NOT [flowers in heads or in form resembling a head]

flowers inconspicuous; NOT [flowers brightly colored]

flowers with two floral rings, but with the petals wholly or partly united forming a tube or bell