| herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees] |
| plants green or with some chlorophyll; NOT [plants
parasitic or saprophytic, without chlorophyll] |
| plants WITHOUT milky juice |
| plants NOT twining |
| stems round; NOT [stems square] |
| leaves not with 3 leaflets; NOT [leaves mostly basal,
1-3 times divided into 3 leaflets] |
| flowers usually colored; NOT [flowers very small,
greenish] |
| corolla regular; NOT [corolla irregular], NOT [corolla
2-lipped] |
| stamens 4 or 5; NOT [stamens 8 or 10] |
| stamens alternating with corolla lobes, or twice their
number; NOT [stamens directly in front of corolla lobes] |
| style terminal; NOT [style from center of lobes of
ovary] |
| ovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior] |
| ovary 3-celled; NOT [ovary 2-celled], NOT [ovary
1-celled] |
| ovary with seeds born on axis in center of cell; NOT
[ovary with seeds borne on wall of cell] |
| fruit a capsule; NOT [fruit a berry], NOT [fruit with 4
nutlets] |