Polygonum aviculare

Fruit Side

Highway # 982, Near Intersection With Highway # 9

The ocrea has been removed to reveal the pedicel.  Note the five white- or pink- margined tepals.  The length of the perianth tube is 31% of the length of the total perianth (tube plus lobe/tepal).  See note in Saskatchewan Polygonum key linked to below.

A key to all species of family Polygonaceae that are found in Alberta, written by Lorna Allen and Linda Kershaw, is found here.  A key to Saskatchewan species of genus Polygonum, derived from the key in the Flora of North America, is found here.

Polygonaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. The answers do not all apply to all genera in Polygonaceae, but they all do apply to genus Polygonum.

herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]

land plants; NOT [water plants]

plants not parasitic on trees

plants with more than one pair of leaves; NOT [plants with a single pair of large reniform leaves]

leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite]

stipules present

stipules forming a sheath above nodes

flowers perfect