![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
larger plants, normally more than 12 cm
tall; NOT [low, very slender plants, rarely more than 12 cm tall] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
leaves petioled or merely narrowed to
base; NOT [leaves with long slender petioles] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
leaves mostly dentate or crenate; NOT
[leaves entire or undulate] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
leaves copiously sulfur yellow farinose
beneath; NOT [leaves green beneath or often somewhat farinose] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
involucral bracts 3-14 mm long; NOT
[involucral bracts 2-6 mm long] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
involucral bracts lanceolate to
linear-oblong, flat; NOT [involucral bracts subulate or tightly involute
above the dilated base] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
mature calyx 4-11 mm long; NOT [mature
calyx 3-6 mm long] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
mature calyx not cleft to the middle |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
limb of corolla 5-20 mm across; NOT [limb
of corolla 5-9 mm across] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
lobes of corolla 3-7 mm broad; NOT [lobes
of corolla 1.6-4 mm broad] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
capsule 2.5-5 mm in diameter; NOT
[capsule 2-3 mm in diameter] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
mature capsule thick-cylindric to
ellipsoid-ovoid; NOT [mature capsule slender-cylindric, tapering at
apex, much exceeding the shallow-lobed calyx] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
seeds angular; NOT [seeds rounded] |
![bullet](../../../_themes/botany/blbull2.gif) |
seeds roughened; NOT [seeds nearly