Rhamnus alnifolia
Alder-Leaved Buckthorn
Male Flower Side
Fir River Shelter on Fir River Road, West of Hudson Bay
This species is polygamo-dioecious. This means it is mostly dioecious (flowers imperfect with male and female flowers on separate plants) but with some perfect flowers. The population depicted here was composed of some plants with male flowers and some plants with perfect flowers. Flora of the Great Plains states that the morphologically perfect flowers are in fact functionally imperfect. This would imply that the stamens on the perfect flowers depicted on this site are sterile.
Alnifolia: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species.
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Rhamnus: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus.
Rhamnaceae: Answers to key questions in Flora of Alberta leading to this family.