shrubs; NOT [herbs, or with a woody base
and otherwise herbaceous], NOT [small trees] |
plants generally taller than 5-15 cm |
leaves compound, distinctly divided into
leaflets; NOT [leaves simple]; NOT [leaves lobed, not distinctly
divided] |
leaves not linear-dissected; NOT [leaves
dissected into linear divisions] |
leaves with 3-5 leaflets; NOT [leaves
with 5-11 leaflets], NOT [leaves with 11-17 leaflets] |
sepal bractlets absent; NOT [bractlets
alternating with the sepals] |
flowers white; NOT [flowers pink or
yellow] |
carpels numerous; NOT [carpel 1], NOT
[carpels mostly 5] |
ovary or ovaries superior; NOT [ovary
inferior] |
hypanthium shaped like a saucer, cup or
urn and free from the ovary; NOT [ovary enclosed in and adnate to the
hypanthium] |
fruit more or less fleshy; NOT [fruit
dry] |
carpels becoming drupelets
(raspberry-like); NOT [carpels becoming achenes, enclosed in a fleshy
receptacle] |