Penstemon procerus

Slender Beardtongue

Flower Top

Centre Block, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park

The corolla terminates in a three-lobed lower lip and a two-lobed upper lip.  

Note the key to the species in Budd's Flora requires stems erect or nearly so; NOT [plants decumbent to ascending].  In fact, the stems of this species can be erect, ascending, or decumbent. The rest of the answers to the key questions appear below.


Procerus: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora (BF)  and Flora of Alberta (FOA) leading to this species. 
bulletplants herbaceous; NOT [plants shrubby, stems woody]
bulletflowers in dense terminal spikes or nodal clusters; NOT [flowers not so crowded]
bulletflowers 8-12 mm long; NOT [flowers 15-40 mm long] (BF)
bulletflowers about 1 cm long; NOT [flowers more than 1 cm long, usually at least 1.5 cm] (FOA)
bulletflowers dark bluish purple; NOT [flowers white to yellowish]



Penstemon: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora (BF)  and Flora of Alberta (FOA)  leading to this genus.
bulletleaves NOT all basal
bulletcauline leaves opposite; NOT [cauline leaves alternate]
bulletcalyx 5-lobed; NOT [calyx 4-lobed]
bulletcorolla NOT spurred at the base
bulletfour anther-bearing stamens and 1 long sterile stamen (staminode)



Scrophulariaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family.
bulletherbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
bulletplants green or with some chlorophyll; NOT [plants parasitic or saprophytic, without chlorophyll]
bulletplants NOT aquatic
bulletstems NOT square
bulletleaves NOT bearing bladders
bulletflowers with two floral rings, but with the petals wholly or partly united forming a tube or bell
bulletflowers brightly colored; NOT [flowers inconspicuous]
bulletcorolla irregular; NOT [corolla regular]
bulletovary superior; NOT [ovary inferior]
bulletfruit a many-seeded capsule; NOT [fruit with 4 nutlets]