Osmorhiza depauperata

Spreading Sweet Cicely  


Centre Block, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park

Note the presence of a bract at the base of the umbel, but the absence of bractlets at the bases of the umbellets. Note also that the key to the families in Budd's Flora requires leaves without stipules, or having glands; NOT [leaves with stipules].  However, members of the Umbelliferae family usually possess sheathing stipules as depicted in this photograph.


Depauperata: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora and Flora of Alberta leading to this species. 
bulletbractlets of inflorescence absent or very small and caducous; NOT [bractlets of inflorescence present and persistent]
bulletrays and pedicels wide-spreading or reflexed; NOT [rays and pedicels usually ascending]
bulletflowers white; NOT [flowers yellow or greenish]
bulletfruits mostly shorter than the pedicels; NOT [fruits longer than the pedicels]
bulletfruit 10-20 mm long; NOT [fruits about 10 mm long], NOT [fruits 18-25 mm long]
bulletfruit clavate, the apex convexly narrowed; NOT [fruit cylindrical, the apex concavely narrowed (constricted) into a beak 0.5-2.0 mm long]
bulletbase of fruit long-tapering, becoming caudate with conspicuous tails; NOT [fruit obtuse at base]
bulletfruit bristly-hispid; NOT [fruit glabrous]
bulletstyles less than 0.5 mm long; NOT [styles 2-3 mm long]



Osmorhiza: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  and Flora of Alberta leading to this genus. 
bulletplants NOT with a bluish tinge
bulletfoliage NOT spiny
bulletlowest leaves (and the upper) compound
bulletleaves divided into few well-developed leaflets; NOT [leaves much divided, with leaflets or segments numerous]
bulletleaves with more than 3 leaflets
bulletleaves often divided into 5 or more segments; NOT [leaves usually divided into 3 segments each with 3 leaflets]
bulletleaves ternately divided; NOT [leaves palmate with 5-7 large leaflets], NOT [foliage digitately compound] , NOT [leaves pinnately divided]
bulletleaves divided into leaflets of unequal size; NOT [leaves divided into leaflets of about equal size]
bulletleaflets NOT palmate
bulletleaflets NOT 10-30 cm wide
bulletleaflets finely to deeply serrate; NOT [leaflets entire or with a few lobes]
bulletplants lacking axillary bulblets; NOT [plants with axillary bulblets largely replacing flowers]
bulletinflorescence NOT bluish
bulletflowers NOT in dense globose heads
bulletbracts NOT spiny
bulletfruit several times longer than broad; NOT [fruit generally 3 times as long as broad or less]
bulletfruit linear to clavate; NOT [fruit oblong to elliptical]
bulletfruit more than 1 cm long
bulletfruit flattened but wingless; NOT [fruit strongly flattened, broadly winged]
bulletfruit usually bristly-hairy (glabrous in O. occidentalis) ; NOT [fruit glabrous]
bulletfruit NOT covered with short, hooked spines



Umbelliferae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora  leading to this family. 
bulletherbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
bulletplants terrestrial or semiaquatic; NOT [plants aquatic, leaves submerged or floating]
bulletplants NOT with colored milky juice
bulletstems hollow
bulletplants with more than one normal leaf
bulletsome or all leaves alternate; NOT [leaves opposite, whorled, or basal]
bulletleaves without stipules, or having glands; NOT [leaves with stipules]
bulletflowers in umbels
bulletparts of flowers mostly in fives; NOT [parts of flowers in twos or fours]
bulletflowers with two floral rings, and with each petal distinct from the others]
bulletcalyx regular; NOT [calyx irregular, some sepals smaller than others]
bulletstamens 10 or fewer; NOT [stamens usually more than 10]
bulletovary inferior
bulletstyles 2; NOT [styles 5]