Verbena bracteata
Bracted Vervain

Ultimate Branches


The ultimate branches terminate in a bracteose spike which occupies most of the branch length.

Bracteata: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this species. 
plants with decumbent stems; NOT [plants with erect stems]
spikes conspicuously bracteose


Verbenaceae: Answers to key questions in Budd's Flora leading to this family. 
herbs; NOT [shrubs or trees]
plants green or with some chlorophyll
flowers in long or short spikes
flowers alternate or very crowded; NOT [flowers opposite, not crowded]
flowers with two floral rings
petals wholly or partly united forming a tube or bell
flowers irregular
flowers brightly colored; NOT [flowers inconspicuous]
fruit of 4 nutlets; NOT [fruit a many-seeded capsule]; NOT [fruit an achene]